Monday, December 9, 2013

Post 5: Newsies Review (12/09/13)

So as I mentioned before, this is now turning into a daily blog for my journalism class. It's going to be a One Direction theme, but before my blog becomes full blown Directioner word vomit, I need to do something else.

In journalism we recently watched Newsies, a musical about newsies from New York around the year 1899. I was actually very excited about this, seeing that I'm a bit of a Broadway novice and love seeing Broadway shows. This is one I wanted to see for a while. 

Overall, I like musicals, but of course there are a few things that I have problems with musicals in general. Even though I'm a huge fan of fiction, I find it so hard to take musicals seriously when the characters spontaneously bust out into synchronized song and dance. It's especially hard with musicals like West Side Story where the characters are supposed to be tough gang members and they're sashaying and doing pirouettes across the stage.

As for Newsies, I loved it. I thought the plot was enough to keep the viewer engrossed in it the entire time, but my opinion might be swayed because we watched the movie in forty minute increments over a few days in journalism. However, I still feel like the newsies would be enough to keep me in my seat for the entire movie. Maybe it's just because young Christian Bale makes me swoon, David is adorable, and characters like Crutchy and Les make you want to go into the movie and give them hugs.

I think there's definitely a plus to watching a movie in class with a bunch of other crazy people who laugh at the wrong times and yell out things at the screen at the best times. And of course, there's the joke of "Doing if for Brooklyn" that we've dragged out for the past week in class and even on Twitter (a few of us sent Brooklyn related tweets to the official Newsies account. We have yet to get replies). So overall, I loved this musical. So let's hear it for... 


  1. Very well written and discussed! The musical is very good and I only saw it want it first came out. I was four at time. I think I fell asleep during the movie. But, I enjoy now!
