Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Post 27: Freaking Out About Friday (1-29-14)

The fandom has been buzzing this week because One Direction announced that they are releasing their video for Midnight Memories on Friday. Videos are always really exciting because there are all the antics that come with a One Direction video, along with the excitement that comes with trying to break the Vevo Record.

This week the One Direction official Twitter account has been releasing gifs from the video to give a sneak peak. It always makes me really excited for the video because they give us peeks of all of the action that's going to happen in the video. I also really like the song "Midnight Memories" because it's the title song of the album and really sets up the sound for the entire album. Here are a few of the gifs I've seen so far with some of my own added commentary to go along with it.

Why are they riding scooters and why are they so slow? It reminds me of those supermarket scooters.
At first I thought it was smoke, but now I'm thinking baby powder and I'm so confused.
Who does he want to call him and why does he remind me of a Greaser from The Outsiders here?
Now they're on a boat. Why are they on a boat and why is Niall flashing a Titanic type pose?
"We have arrived!"

I find the fandom so much fun when a new video comes out because everyone is posting reaction videos, ranting on Tumblr, spamming on Twitter, trying to break the Vevo record, and overall, just freaking out. All I know is, I'm freaking out and I'm going to be freaking out even more on Friday.

Friendly warning: the video comes out at 4 P.M. GMT which is 11 A.M. EST so I'm most likely going to end up watching the video in Journalism. Don't be alarmed if you hear any strange inhumane sounds coming from my direction (One Direction).

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post 26: One Direction and Little Mix on Tour Together? (1-28-14)

Lately I've seen rumors surfacing that Little Mix is going to be going on tour as the opening act for One Direction's Where We Are tour this year. I'm trying not to get excited over it yet because rumors are called rumors for a reason and if it's not true, I'll get too disappointed.

There are a few things that I'm wary of. First off, I feel like Little Mix and One Direction would have conflicting fan bases. I could see Mixers purchasing tickets just to see Little Mix and then leaving after Little Mix performs. However, I think there are quite a few fans that like both and would be delighted if Little Mix opened up for One Direction.

Some people are saying Little Mix's tour dates conflict with One Direction's tour dates, but from what I've seen, they end their tour with Demi Lovato in March, and One Direction's tour starts sometime in August. So this could be possible. There is a possibility here.

It's strange because I don't even like Little Mix that much. I like a few of their songs and I think they're all gorgeous and very talented, but that's about it. I think it's very cool because both groups were formed in the same way. Both groups were composed of solo artists on the X-Factor who didn't make it as solo artists and then were both put into groups. Well, the groups made it, didn't they?

Also, maybe it's a bit of the fangirl in me, but Zayn from One Direction is engaged to Perrie from Little Mix, so they would be touring together, and that would just be amazing. Anyone up for a tour wedding?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Post 25: Grammys Grumblings (1-27-14)

As many people know, the Grammys were last night so a lo of people are bound to be talking about it. I'm here to talk not about the Grammys, but something that people have been talking about: the fact that One Direction was not nominated for a Grammy.

I didn't really care (I think my mom was more upset than I was) but a lot of fans were upset about that. I looked at an article and it said that there's a weird eligibility period where albums are not eligible for this year's Grammys unless they were released between September 2012 and October 2013. So Midnight Memories would not be eligible because it was released in November 2013. What confuses me though, is Take Me Home was released in November 2012 so that would be eligible. Maybe it just wasn't good enough.

This fandom has been pissing me off a little bit lately. They get so angry about stupid things and they're giving our fandom a bad name. I feel like I'm pretty chill. I think people need to stop getting so hung up on stupid things like Grammy nominations. So one Direction wasn't nominated for a Grammy, so what? They were nominated for a bunch of other things. 

I honestly think that people are kind of blowing it out proportion. Yeah, it stinks that they we're nominated, but there are plenty of other years to win Grammys. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Post 24: My Own Superlatives (1-24-14)

Today the Seniors in my school are doing Senior Superlatives and naming the people in our grade as "Best Dressed," "Cutest Couple," etc. I decided to do my own Superlatives on here, but for One Direction.

Louis: Class Clown
I pick Louis for Class Clown because even he said that he was the rowdy boy in school. On tour he's always making jokes and pulling pranks on people. He's very funny and always wants to make people laugh.

Zayn: Most Calm, Cool, and Collected
I think Zayn would be a good fit for this category because he's very chill. One time in an interview the boys had to describe each other and they described Zayn as "relaxed, chill, chill, and relaxed." He's always very calm, and I think it's a very good quality to have when you have such a crazy job.

Liam: Most Musical
Liam auditioned for the X-Factor twice when he was in school and also went yo a lot of gigs on weekends just to sing. If they had Senior Superlatives at Liam's school, I'm sure he would win this. He's very serious and passionate about music and he deserves to be in this category.

Niall: Class Cutie
Niall is just adorable. He's very happy go lucky and makes everyone laugh and smile. They boys have said that if they're having a rough day, Niall is the one to make them feel better. There was one scene in their movie when one of the boys was talking to the camera and Niall just sticks his face in the camera, holds up a football (soccer ball) and screams, "Football!" He's very adorable.

Harry: Class Flirt
No doubt about it, Harry is the flirt of the group. He's very charming, cheeky, and flirty. One scene during the movie he went back to his hometown and went to a field. Then he started walking towards these woods and said, "I had my first kiss in these woods... up against a tree... It got pretty heated." Now that's a flirt if I've ever seen one.

This was just a fun little thing I wanted to do. Sometimes it's hard to imagine the boys being in High School because they're older now, but doing things like this makes it a little easier to imagine.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Post 23: Tumblr and Tyler Oakley (1-23-14)

The other night while all of the Twitter drama was happening between Liam Payne and Tyler Oakley, I saw that a lot of people were posting their opinions about it all on Tumblr. So I joined in and spoke my mind.
Then on Sunday I was randomly looking through my notifications and I saw this:
That made me really excited. A lot of people say that Tyler Oakley stalks his tag but I didn't really believe them. Well, I do now. I thought it was pretty cool that he saw what I had to say and liked it (literally and figuratively). Sometimes it's really hard to be in the public eye and take criticism but I think he accepted my criticism. I was not rude, I argued both sides, and gave them both the benefit of the doubt. I feel that's only fair.

I was kind of confused as to why I was so excited that Tyler liked my post. People seem so into these things lately. "Follow me," "Like my post," "Reblog." It's almost as if these things we get from celebrities are badges of honor. "Oh yeah, I have 4 out of 5 members of One Direction following me." People seem to measure their worth these days by numbers. Number of likes on a selfie. Number of followers on this social media platform. Number of reblogs. Number of celebrity followers... number... number... number.

Maybe it was always like this, just different. Actually meeting the celebrity as opposed to getting them to follow you. Actually getting an autograph as opposed to an electronic reply. Maybe in a few years it will just get worse. "I met Justin Bieber's hologram today." Let's hope not. I think one of each celebrity is enough for now.

Post 22: Promotion for a Parody? (1-22-14)

So a while ago I had seen a video saying that One Direction was going to be on Sesame Street. I was extremely excited about this because after seeing Tom Hiddleston on Sesame Street with Cookie Monster, I thought celebrities on Sesame Street was pretty cute. 

Then today I see this video:

I really hope that it's only a promotion because it cut off quite suddenly and I really want more. I hope all of them end up singing because it's a pretty big pet peeve of mine when not all of them sing. I think they all have great voices and I want to hear them all equally.

I kind of hope that they do something else other than singing. Maybe they'll teach British words to a few of the characters while Niall sits there looking angry and slightly confused. Now that is something I want to see.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Post 21: Duck Dynasty, Drama, Directioners, Drama, and a Little More Drama (1-19-14)

Normally I only write on school days,
but it's a long weekend so I'm not sure I can survive that long without blogging. Alright, the main reason I'm really writing this post is because there has been major drama. It started off with a little bit of Twitter drama but now it has escalated into a hot mess.

Saturday night Liam tweeted this:
Now, it's a pretty vague tweet. If no one knows who he's tweeting to, it's Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty. I don't watch the show so I didn't really know anything about the tweet, nor did I really care, until a lot of buzz started generating.

Tyler Oakley, a YouTuber, tweeted this:

So I had to do my research because things were starting to get nasty and I had absolutely no clue why. 
Alright. So Willie's dad made so anti-gay remarks, and Tyler is inferring that because Liam said "he supports their family values" that he supports the anti-gay remarks. I can see where Tyler is coming from, but I honestly think it's a bit of a stretch. I think Willie was thinking of adopting a kid, maybe he supports that. Maybe he supports the way Willie is handling the bad press he's getting through this. The tweet was so vague so it's easy to jump to assumptions. Now, Tyler should of stopped there, but of course not. Why stop there?
Hold it right there, Tyler. Liam said absolutely nothing about supporting bigotry and homophobia. It's a very vague tweet and it's really hard to make assumptions based like that. If you constantly make assumptions based on very vague things, you're going to live a very unhappy life.
Alright now this pissed me off. No matter what Tyler does, no one should ever tell him to go kill himself. He is a man with feelings and he was just trying to defend something he believes in. He is openly gay but he's also a huge Directioner so it's not like he was trying to start things on purpose because he hates Liam and wants to get him in trouble. 
I understand that you support the LGBT community but that tweet was so vague and you're assuming things and completely blowing this out of proportion. 

As this was going on, I see a tweet from Jack (thatsojack) to Tyler.
For those of you who don't know what he's talking about, in One Direction's music video for "Best Song Ever," they had alter egos of sorts. They were themselves in the video but they also dressed up as people from a major Hollywood company and did a bit of an acting skit. Liam dressed up as Leroy, the choreographer:
That's what Jack was talking about. Then he didn't stop there.
Thank you for being rational, Jack. At least someone has a head on their shoulders. Jack is also a Directioner, and he may be gay but I'm not totally sure so don't quote me on that. I do know that Jack supports the LGBT community so he's not being homophobic or anything.

Liam tweets this to explain and as I saw on Tumblr, some people were pissed off because he didn't officially apologize. What is he apologizing for? He said nothing about being homophobic! People need to stop assuming the worst in people. 
This kind of pissed me off a little. I love Tyler dearly, but who does he think he is? Liam didn't say anything about being homophobic, so I don't really understand what he means by "being accountable for your words" maybe you're the one who needs to realize that your "words have more weight than you realize" because you blew this whole thing out of proportion and look what happened. 

I thought it was over. Liam stayed on Twitter for a little while and replied to fans, Tyler stayed off the radar for a little while, and I went to bed figuring that everything was done and I would have an awesome blogpost to write on Tuesday.

With me thinking about writing about all this drama, maybe I should have realized that if I, an aspiring journalist wants to write about Twitter drama, then the real ones probably do too. I woke up to this.
(All tweets should be read from bottom up)
Well this has turned into one big hot mess. That's the one thing I don't like about journalism. Journalists look for stories and they go where the drama is, but a lot of times the stories hurt the people they're about. Liam is going to get bad press about it, and I'm sure his little tirade on Twitter isn't helping. He probably shouldn't have gotten so angry publicly like that because that can be used against him. No twisting his words this time because the tweets are all there. 

Liam's sister tweeted the above tweet in a last ditch attempt to salvage what was left of her brother's reputation in this blow up but I think it's just a little too late. The damage has been done. 

However, a little later I saw this:
This upsets me and I totally believe it. Liam has been on tour practically the whole of three years. Whenever he's off tour he probably just wants to catch up on sleep and hang out with family and friends. He probably doesn't really watch tv. So he was watching Duck Dynasty, admired the way Willie raises his family despite all of the media and this growing business, and decided to tell Willie that he liked that and supported those family values. He had no idea that Phil, Willie's father, had just recently had gotten into controversy for anti-gay statements. "I can't do anything right, can I?" That remark broke my heart. This is a boy who has messed up time and time again through no fault of his own and he's just trying to live as normal of a life as possible without offending anyone. That's apparently not possible. 

I don't even know what to say. The amount of drama that exploded in a few hours over one probably poorly worded tweet is pretty sickening to me. Tyler is getting death threats, Liam's reputation is being soiled, people are taking sides and there's drama, and I just want to take refuge in a fandom where there is no drama and I can be peaceful until this all blows over. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Post 20: Niall's Knee (1-17-14)

Recently, Niall had knee surgery to fix problems he had in his knee because of a soccer injury or something like that. He wrote these tweets on the matter. (Read from bottom up.)
Then photos surfaced after his surgery which was in the United States.
As long as he'll be okay for the upcoming tour, I'm fine. I guess he needs knee surgery considering he does a whole lot of this on stage.
Why does Niall need knee surgery? Hmm , I wonder why.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post 19: Impersonators (1-16-14)

Last night Niall tweeted this (read from the bottom)
This isn't the first time that this has happened and I'm sure it won't be the last. People have pretended to be parents, siblings, and even girlfriends. Sometimes people go as far as to pose and say that people have died. Someone once posed as Sophia, Liam's girlfriend, and said that Liam's mom died. That's a little too far.

Why do people do this? Are people really that desperate for attention and followers that they will go as far as impersonating people and spreading horrible rumors? Yes, and that makes me kind of sick. People these days are so desperate for internet popularity that they will hurt their idols. This may not be their intent, but this does hurt their idols. I'm sure it doesn't make people feel very good to see people pretending to be someone they're not and getting rewarded for it.

I wish there was a way to stop this but I'm sure there's not. The only way I've seen that can stop it is when the celebrity finds out and tweets that these accounts aren't real. So for now, that's really the only way to determine who's real and who's fake. Maybe in a few years you will need fingerprint identification to sign up for Twitter. Now that would be the wave of the future.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Post 18: Dangerous Daddy Direction (1-15-14)

Last night Liam posted this tweet (read from bottom up).
What was he talking about? Well, during their shoot for their new video these photos of Liam surfaced.
The bottom pictures were not pictures that surfaced but they were photos I found on Tumblr posted by fans. This honestly shows how upset fans were by this. They realized how dangerous it was for Liam that he did this and they were just glad he was okay.

I thought Liam's apology was adorable. He's always been so mature and responsible and he's always been very protective of fans. He didn't want fans to try this, so he said he does "not endorse any fans trying to repeat this" in a very "Don't try this at home" fashion.

Liam has always been the "Daddy" of the group, hence the name "Daddy Direction" and though the other boys have corrupted him a little and helped to loosen him up, he's still very responsible and mature. His apology goes to show that he really cares about his fans and doesn't want them to worry or get hurt by trying this themselves.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Post 17: Stop Getting So Offended (1-14-14)

Now you don't have to watch both the videos (at least not in their entirety) but I do suggest watching at least a little bit of it just for laughs. However, if you really don't want to watch them, I'll quickly explain the general idea of both videos. These people took two of One Direction's performances and edited the sound so they sounded bad. I'm not sure if they edited the tracks or if they just took other people singing and put that in, but it makes for a very funny outcome.

I took a look in the comments section, and most people had the same reaction as me: "This is hysterical!" However, there were some people who said that they were Directioners and were extremely offended by this. I really don't see why. If you're a Directioner, then your oinion is the same as mine: One Direction are good singers. So if you know they're good singers, then why does this offend you? If One Direction saw this, they would probably think it was funny too, so get over it.

Then I saw this comment:
First off, I think it's pretty unfair that so many people were upset by this that the makers of the video had to explain that this was not meant to offend anyone. It was meant as a joke. The makers of the video like One Direction too, so they obviously meant it as as a joke and nothing else.

Sometimes it annoys me when people can't take a joke and it goes so far that whoever did something as a joke has to apologize. People need to stop getting so offended and learn to take a joke.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Post 16: Payzer Please (1-13-14)

Liam may be with Sophia Smith now, but he used to be with Danielle Peazer. Together they were called Payzer, and that had to be my favorite ship ever in the One Direction fandom. Granted, when they were together Liam wasn't my favorite at that point, but I would so rather have Liam dating Danielle than Sophia.

They broke up last year in March or April and I'm honestly so surprised because I expected them to be the first to get married and have kids. I really hope they eventually get back together. Both of them had a really hard time after the break up and that made me so upset. From what we heard, they broke up because the constant separation and media attention was really hard on them, and there may have been other factors, but that just upset me. If it was only separation and media attention, then I have hope that they will get back together when the band dies down. We just have to find a way to get Sophia out of the picture.

I think the way Liam and Danielle met was so cute. Unlike with Sophia, we know the full story of how they met. During the fifth week of The X Factor, One Direction performed "Kids in America." While on the stage they had a bunch of dancers in cheer leading costumes around them dancing. Danielle was one of those dancers. After the performance Liam told the other boys that he thought one of the dancers was adorable, and Danielle told one of her dancer friends that she fancied Liam. Harry approached the dancer friend when Danielle went to change, and they both agreed to set the two up.

I don't know why, I just like Liam better with Danielle than Sophia. I know it's none of my business and he can date whoever he wants, but I do kind of wish he was with Danielle and not Sophia. Who knows? Maybe one day my wish will be granted and Payzer will get back together. One can only hope.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Post 15: Dating Rumors (1-10-14)

As mentioned in the past few blog posts, three of the five members of One Direction are in relationships. So what about the two remaining members? Harry Styles and Niall Horan are single, but not everyone seems to like it that way. Especially recently, there have been dating rumors surrounding the two single members.

Recently, Harry has been linked with Kendall Jenner. I refuse to believe that they are dating until Harry confirms it in an interview or either Kendall or Harry mentions it on Twitter. Nothing has been said about the two, so I assume that they're just friends and that these are just the normal rumors.

As for Niall, he's been linked with a model named Barbara Palvin. Just like Harry and Kendall, I don't believe it's anything more than a friendship until it's confirmed. Nothing has been confirmed, so I don't believe that they're dating. They're either friends, or maybe they are dating but just want to make it public yet. That's a possibility and that's perfectly fine with me.

What disturbs me is even though no one has confirmed that these couples are dating, people have already begun to hate on both Kendall and Barbara. Hate in any form is wrong, but I think that this is extremely wrong because it's very possible that these girls are just friends with the boys. Even if they were dating the boys, you shouldn't hate on people. That is wrong.

I find it so weird that there are dating rumors about people that could very possibly just be friends. if any friend of a One Direction member is rumored to be dating them, then maybe I should become friends with One Direction.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Post 14: Zerrie (1-9-14)

Again, like I mentioned in my previous two posts, three of the five members of One Direction are in relationships. Now why do I say "relationships"? Why can't I simply say "girlfriends"? Well, that's simply because this last member does not have a girlfriend, he has a fiancée. That's right. In August, on The Today Show Zayn Malik annoucned his engagement to his girlfriend, Perrie Edwards. Everyone in the fandom seems to have an opinion on this, and I'm no different.

When Zerrie first got together a few years ago it seemed like it wouldn't last; at least that's what I thought. When Zerrie got together, Liam was with his old girlfriend, Danielle, and Louis was with Eleanor. Of the three, Liam and Danielle seemed most likely to stay together and get married
(but we see how well that worked out) and Zerrie seemed pretty unsteady. I guess I just figured two celebrities would never work ot together, but maybe that's why they worked so well.

Perrie is a member of a british girl group called Little Mix. Much like One Direction, Little Mix was formed on the UK version of the X Factor, and then proceeded to become popular in America. One Direction was on the X Factor series 7 and then returned to the X Factor series 8 finale to perform. It was there that Zayn met Perrie, and the rest is history.

Honestly, I don't know if the engagement is such a good idea right now. Both groups are pretty popular right now and are touring for most of the year. The way the schedules work out, One Direction always seems to be on tour when Little Mix is not, and vice versa. I'm sure that Perrie and Zayn don't get much face to face time together. Also, the pair is only 20. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think that's pretty young. They're not going to get married right away because of their hectic schedules, so why get engaged so early?

I do love the idea of Zayn and Perrie together, so I am happy that they are getting married. I just think that getting married so early might not be the best idea. I'm also not so sure as to why they got engaged so early if they're not even planning to get married right away. I guess Zayn was just following Beyonce's advice by putting a ring on it.

Post 13: Elounor (1-9-14)

As I mentioned in my previous post, three of the five members of One Direction are in relationships. Since I already talked about Sophiam, I think it's good to move on and talk about the other relationships in One Direction. Elounor is the next one I'll talk about.

Louis Tomlinson and his girlfriend, Eleanor Calder, make up Elounor. Elounor has been together for two years I believe. I love Elounor. They've been together for a pretty long time and I think the two are adorable together. She's really pretty and I think they're good together.

What I don't like about Elounor is that one of the biggest ships in the One Direction fandom is Larry Stylinson (a ship between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson that as far as we know is not real). What annoys me is a lot of the people who ship Larry hate on Eleanor and call her a beard. Last time I checked, Eleanor was with Louis, not Harry, so people need to leave Eleanor alone.

No one knows how celebrity relationships are going because they're private. If there was a couple in public and you saw them, would you hate on them and start to pick apart their relationship? No, so why do people do that with celebrity relationships. Overall, I really like Elounor and I think people should give Eleanor a break. They've been together for a pretty long time so they're obviously happy together.

Post 12: Sophiam (1-9-14)

 As some of you may know (or will find out right now) three of the five members of One Direction are in relationships. One of them is Liam. Liam is dating a girl named Sophia Smith who comes from his hometown. Apparently they were childhood friends. A lot of my Directioner friends have asked me at one time or another about my opinion on Sophiam, which is their ship name. I'm going to express that opinion now.

Was I happy when Sophiam got together? I'm going to be completely honest: not really. It's probably because Liam is my favorite and sometimes I get kind of protective over him. I just can't help it. Sometimes I wonder why I'm so upset. It's not like I have a chance to be with him. He's a pop star from England and I'm a random fangirl from New York. I guess anything can happen though, and even though it's not likely, I still cling on to that hope.

Like all celebrity relationships, I have no clue what's actually going on in their personal lives. For all I know, they could be totally in love and completely happy with their relationship. What I do see is the public side of their relationship and that's not very convincing to me. Whenever I see pictures of them, Liam seems very focused on Sophia, but Sophia never seems very interested in him. Come on, Sophia, you're on the arm of a huge and very handsome pop star. Look alive.

That's really all I can say about Sophiam. Am I happy about it? Not really. I'm afraid Sophia is going to use Liam just for fame. Liam had a very hard time getting back into the dating scene after the crushing breakup between him and his girlfriend, Danielle Peazer, (whom I liked so much more than Sophia to be honest) and I don't want him to get hurt for him. However, it does seem like Sophia is making Liam happy so I have to be okay with it. Even if I don't really like Sophia, I would never hate on her like some fans do. That's wrong and completely crosses the line. I guess I just have to wait out Sophiam until Liam and me get together.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Post 11: Better Than Words (1-8-14)

There's one song on their new album that stands out to me and that's "Better Than Words." I think it's because in the verses there are long breaks between each line and it seemed really strange to me. Why would there be such long pauses between lines in a song?

Then on Tumblr I saw this quote:
“We ran into the hotel room, where the studio was set up. We laid it down and as I was making the quick little beat Liam went [to the bathroom] and he came out and he was like ‘Bro, what if we write a song using all song titles?’ And I don’t know who it was [but] ‘better than words’ popped out somehow… And then were like, ‘Sh—, we got it. What if you’re saying that you can’t even describe how good someone’s love is because it’s better than words. So you can’t even use your own words. You have to use other people’s words [from songs] and even those words aren’t good enough.’ I love that song.”
Julian Bunetta on writing “Better Than Words" with Liam Payne

That explains it. The lines in the verses are titles from song lyrics of other songs. I thought that was so creative because they used other people's words to explain things because the chorus says,
"I don't know how else to sum it up'Cause words ain't good enough, owI don't know how else to sum it up'Cause words ain't good enough, ow."

Furthermore, I found a list of the songs used in each line of the verses.

Better Than Words- One Direction

but more than a feeling- Boston

crazy in love- Beyoncé

dancing on the ceiling- Lionel Richie

Every time we touch- Cascada

I`m all shook up- Elvis Presley

you make me wanna- Usher

How deep is your love- Take That

God only knows, baby- The beach boys/Justin Bieber

I don’t know how else to sum it up- Ozzy Osbourne/ Bribry

cause words aren’t good enough- Evanescence

there’s no way i can’t explain your love- The Who/ Outfield

No, It’s better than words- One direction

Better than words- One Direction

Better Than Words- One direction

you drive me crazy- Britney Spears

Someone like you,- Adele 
always be my baby- Mariah Carey

Best I ever had, - Gavin Degraw
 hips don’t lie- Shakira

you make me wanna- Usher

one more night- Maroon 5

I don’t know how else to sum it up- Ozzy Osbourne/ Bribry

cause words aren’t good enogh- Evanescence

i can’t explain your love- The Who/ Outfield

i don’t know how else to sum it up- Ozzy osbourne/ Bribry

cause words aren’t good enogh- Evanescence

i can’t explain your love- The Who/ Outfield

Everyone tried, they tried- Rascal Flatts

to see what it feels like, feels like

but they’ll never be right
cause it’s better, it’s better
it’s better
Oooh, one more time. Daft punk
oooh, Better than words- 1D

I find it really cool and creative how One Direction took different song titles and made them into their lyrics. Using this really reflected their song lyrics by showing they had no words of their own to describe this situation. I guess the bathroom is a good place to come up with ideas for songs.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Post 10: This Is Us (1-7-14)

Over the break I watched "This Is Us" for the second time. Ever since the movie came out I found a whole bunch of deleted scenes and things that they did not put in the movie (although some were to be included in the special features and extended edition of the movie). Watching all of these deleted scenes made me kind of upset, mainly because I loved the deleted scenes so much. The deleted scenes were a whole lot more of the boys going back home, interacting with family members, and talking about each other. There was on scene that ended up being a special feature on the DVD where the boys all talked about each other and described their band mates. That was probably my favorite scene because we really got to see the connection the boys have with each other and we even found out that Liam and Louis did not get along at first.

A lot of the movie was concert footage, and while I like this I would have rather had more of the personal scenes than concert footage. Even though not all Directioners have been lucky enough to see One Direction in concert, every Directioner has seen One Direction perform on television. While seeing One Direction performing is great, and probably one of my favorite things about them are their stage presences, I really enjoyed the personal scenes at home and would have loved to see more.

With the personal scenes we got to see Zayn buy his mom a house, Louis visit his old school, Niall be the best man in his brother's wedding, Harry and the place where he had his first kiss (it was up against a tree), and Liam with the cardboard cutout of himself his mom keeps in the house. This was a side of the boys I loved, and while I loved the movie, I wish it would've had more parts like this.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Post 9: One Direction Infection (1/6/14)

"Bieber Fever" is a pretty popular term nowadays. At least, it was when Justin Bieber was at the peak of his career. Now the use of the term "Bieber Fever" seems to be dwindling. "One Direction Infection," a pretty similar term when you think about it, probably isn't used as much. Think about it: when was the last time you heard someone say, "I have 'One Direction Infection' "? Probably never. However lately, I feel like my so-called "One Direction Infection" has been spreading.

The week the One Direction movie came out, I was secretly hoping that my mom would buy me the movie without me even asking. Of course that didn't happen, but I can certainly dream. On the Friday of that week, however, my dad texted me saying he had "gotten the DVD" which was quite weird considering we had never had any conversations about DVDs. Upon questioning about this, I found that he had found a man who sold bootleg copies of movies and purchased the movie for me. I was surprised. Up until that point I had thought that he just blocked out any of my One Direction talk. Apparently not.

I'd like to say that a few members of my family are closet Directioners, a term that I made up because it describes the situation very well. They like One Direction, but they don't want to admit it because they are too embarrassed to say so.

The first example is my brother. I sometimes play One Direction songs in the car and even though he always groans when I play them, I actually caught him humming songs while doing his homework. He denied it completely, but I definitely heard him humming "Happily" while doing Geometry problems.

My Aunt Debbie is another example. She's a bit better because while she'll never admit to any adult that she likes One Direction, she has admitted to me that she likes them. She has two of their songs downloaded on her iPod, and whenever I put a song on she likes trying to guess who it is who's singing. She's getting pretty good.

My mom is probably the worst. She denies liking them, much like my brother, but unlike my brother she doesn't just hum a few songs. Her case is much more severe and she's in complete denial. Over the break she watched the movie with me and sang along to the songs she knew. She admitted that Louis was adorable, sprayed on some of their perfume when we were in a store, started singing in a store with me when their song came on, and even went as far to make up her own version of "Story of My Life" when she didn't know the words. I feel bad because this woman has a problem and it's my fault.

I honestly think that "One Direction Infection" actually exists. It seems pretty corny to call it that, but my obsession with One Direction has definitely transferred to some of my family members. What have I done?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Post 8: New Years Resolution (1-2-14)

 It's 2014 now and I honestly think that's really strange. Normally you just shrug because it's just another year but what's strange to me is what's actually going to happen this year. 2014 is the year I graduate from high school.

When I was in elementary school, every kid in my grade had a computer log in that began with 14. When we were young we didn't know what that meant, but when we got a little older we started to realize what that actually meant. In elementary school and even in middle school, the year 2014 seemed so far away; almost as if it was never going to happen. But now it's here.

I never really make new year's resolutions but this year I'm starting to think I should because it's going to be such a big year. As silly as it sounds, I'm being completely serious when I say that my resolution is probably just to screw up the least amount possible. There are a ton of things I could possibly make my resolution: do well in high school, get into college, do well in college... the possibilities are endless. That's why it's better to be simple and try not to screw up. This year seems like it's going to be pretty important, so I better not mess this up.