Normally I only write on school days,
but it's a long weekend so I'm not sure I can survive that long without blogging. Alright, the main reason I'm really writing this post is because there has been major drama. It started off with a little bit of Twitter drama but now it has escalated into a hot mess.
Saturday night Liam tweeted this:
Now, it's a pretty vague tweet. If no one knows who he's tweeting to, it's Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty. I don't watch the show so I didn't really know anything about the tweet, nor did I really care, until a lot of buzz started generating.
Tyler Oakley, a YouTuber, tweeted this:
So I had to do my research because things were starting to get nasty and I had absolutely no clue why.
Alright. So Willie's dad made so anti-gay remarks, and Tyler is inferring that because Liam said "he supports their family values" that he supports the anti-gay remarks. I can see where Tyler is coming from, but I honestly think it's a bit of a stretch. I think Willie was thinking of adopting a kid, maybe he supports that. Maybe he supports the way Willie is handling the bad press he's getting through this. The tweet was so vague so it's easy to jump to assumptions. Now, Tyler should of stopped there, but of course not. Why stop there?
Alright now this pissed me off. No matter what Tyler does, no one should ever tell him to go kill himself. He is a man with feelings and he was just trying to defend something he believes in. He is openly gay but he's also a huge Directioner so it's not like he was trying to start things on purpose because he hates Liam and wants to get him in trouble.
I understand that you support the LGBT community but that tweet was so vague and you're assuming things and completely blowing this out of proportion.
As this was going on, I see a tweet from Jack (thatsojack) to Tyler.
For those of you who don't know what he's talking about, in One Direction's music video for "Best Song Ever," they had alter egos of sorts. They were themselves in the video but they also dressed up as people from a major Hollywood company and did a bit of an acting skit. Liam dressed up as Leroy, the choreographer:
That's what Jack was talking about. Then he didn't stop there.Thank you for being rational, Jack. At least someone has a head on their shoulders. Jack is also a Directioner, and he may be gay but I'm not totally sure so don't quote me on that. I do know that Jack supports the LGBT community so he's not being homophobic or anything.
Liam tweets this to explain and as I saw on Tumblr, some people were pissed off because he didn't officially apologize. What is he apologizing for? He said nothing about being homophobic! People need to stop assuming the worst in people. This kind of pissed me off a little. I love Tyler dearly, but who does he think he is? Liam didn't say anything about being homophobic, so I don't really understand what he means by "being accountable for your words" maybe you're the one who needs to realize that your "words have more weight than you realize" because you blew this whole thing out of proportion and look what happened.
I thought it was over. Liam stayed on Twitter for a little while and replied to fans, Tyler stayed off the radar for a little while, and I went to bed figuring that everything was done and I would have an awesome blogpost to write on Tuesday.
With me thinking about writing about all this drama, maybe I should have realized that if I, an aspiring journalist wants to write about Twitter drama, then the real ones probably do too. I woke up to this.
(All tweets should be read from bottom up)
Well this has turned into one big hot mess. That's the one thing I don't like about journalism. Journalists look for stories and they go where the drama is, but a lot of times the stories hurt the people they're about. Liam is going to get bad press about it, and I'm sure his little tirade on Twitter isn't helping. He probably shouldn't have gotten so angry publicly like that because that can be used against him. No twisting his words this time because the tweets are all there.
Liam's sister tweeted the above tweet in a last ditch attempt to salvage what was left of her brother's reputation in this blow up but I think it's just a little too late. The damage has been done.
However, a little later I saw this:
This upsets me and I totally believe it. Liam has been on tour practically the whole of three years. Whenever he's off tour he probably just wants to catch up on sleep and hang out with family and friends. He probably doesn't really watch tv. So he was watching Duck Dynasty, admired the way Willie raises his family despite all of the media and this growing business, and decided to tell Willie that he liked that and supported those family values. He had no idea that Phil, Willie's father, had just recently had gotten into controversy for anti-gay statements. "I can't do anything right, can I?" That remark broke my heart. This is a boy who has messed up time and time again through no fault of his own and he's just trying to live as normal of a life as possible without offending anyone. That's apparently not possible.
I don't even know what to say. The amount of drama that exploded in a few hours over one probably poorly worded tweet is pretty sickening to me. Tyler is getting death threats, Liam's reputation is being soiled, people are taking sides and there's drama, and I just want to take refuge in a fandom where there is no drama and I can be peaceful until this all blows over.
I am glad for the clarification...But, I am not going to say that he was initially innocent. We do not know him. Really, we don't. So, to keep fans he might just be saying it for the sake of it. The fact is: Liam is in the spotlight and with being there he will be scrutinized. If he doesn't like it, he should stop tweeting and just preform...His talent is great, but that doesn't mean he is smart.
ReplyDeleteDisclaimer: I am not saying that he is dumb...I just don't know him well enough to pass judgement either way.